6 Suggestions For Homeowners Associations To Mitigate Their Exposure to Potential Liability
A recent case reported in Virginia Lawyers Weekly highlights the significant financial risk to homeowners associations (“HOAs”) when sidewalk maintenance is neglected. In this case, a resident tripped on an uneven sidewalk—maintained by the HOA—and suffered severe injuries. The injuries required surgery and 10 months of treatment, resulting in $200,000 in medical expenses. The plaintiff also lost valuable time from their online retail business. Ultimately, the case was settled for $650,000 before a lawsuit was even filed.
This scenario serves as a reminder HOAs to evaluate their responsibilities under their governing documents. Here are several steps HOAs can take to reduce liability and protect their communities from similar claims:
1. Conduct Regular Inspections
HOAs should establish a schedule for inspecting sidewalks and other common areas. Look for hazards such as uneven pavement, cracks, and other trip-and-fall risks. Inspections should be documented, as records can serve as evidence of diligence in case of a claim.
2. Prioritize Repairs Promptly
When issues are identified, repair them as soon as possible. In the case mentioned, the sidewalk had a two-inch height discrepancy—a tripping hazard that could have been addressed through grinding, leveling, or slab replacement. Delaying repairs increases the risk of accidents and makes claims harder to defend.
3. Enhance Lighting
Poor visibility can exacerbate sidewalk hazards. Installing streetlights or sidewalk lights can help residents navigate safely at night and deter potential accidents. Lighting improvements are a relatively small investment compared to the cost of a personal injury claim.
4. Consider Risk Transfers
HOAs should review their insurance policies to ensure adequate coverage for premises liability. Additionally, HOAs may consider hiring third-party contractors for sidewalk maintenance and ensuring these contractors carry proper insurance.
5. Communicate with Residents
Encourage residents to report hazards promptly. Open communication creates a partnership between the HOA and the community to maintain safety.
6. Consult Legal Counsel
If your HOA is unsure about its responsibilities or how to implement these steps, consult an attorney experienced in HOA law. Proactive legal advice can help reduce risk and ensure compliance with applicable regulations.
Lessons from the Case
This $650,000 settlement underscores how expensive negligence can be. By implementing regular maintenance schedules, prioritizing safety improvements, and ensuring proper insurance coverage, HOAs can mitigate these risks. Taking proactive measures is not just about avoiding lawsuits; it’s about creating a safe and welcoming community for all residents.
Virginia HOAs and Olde Belhaven – Guest Post on Construction Law Musings
Once again, my friend and colleague, Richmond Construction Law attorney Chris Hill, permitted me the opportunity to blog at his award-winning blog Construction Law Musings. You can get a lot of great information on construction law, including the intricacies of mechanic’s liens, from Chris and his blog. You can also follow him on Twitter, @ConstructionLaw.
For Chris’ blog, we wrote a post exploring the Olde Belhaven case that made it into the national media. Our take is that we must remember that HOA Governing Documents are drafted by counsel for the developers, and when the developers leave, the enforcement of those restrictions is left to the volunteer Boards of Directors of your neighborhood.
Here’s a brief excerpt of the post:
A recent case highlights what happens when an Association’s Board of Directors, trying to uphold its fiduciary duty by enforcing and upholding its governing documents goes head to head with homeowners, both believing that they are in the right. . . .
Our experience is that the volunteer Boards of Directors, when faced with tough choices, try to make decisions consistent with their fiduciary duties, in an attempt to protect the rights of all the owners in the neighborhood. That doesn’t mean they always make the right decisions, but these ordinary people are not ogres, either.
Read the complete blog at Construction Law Musings, as well as many other informative posts on Chris’ outstanding blog. Thanks, Chris!
3 tips for safe emailing with your attorney
Obviously the use of email has changed many aspects of our world, including the practice of law. As with all new technology, we sometimes learn hard lessons. The attorney-client privilege is the foundation of effective communication between counsel and clients. Only a client can waive that privilege. Although email has far more positives than negatives, to protect attorney-client communications, use these three tips.

Attorney-Client Privilege
Continue reading “3 tips for safe emailing with your attorney”
Benefits of HOAs Part 4: What do homeowners really think about their associations?
We’ve mentioned already the abundance of news articles criticizing community associations. If these news stories are to be believed, then associations are unpopular indeed. But is it true that residents living in community associations are unhappy with their association? Research by the Community Associations Institute suggests that it is not. In fact, the research suggests that more people than ever are choosing to live in communities with associations, and the overwhelming majority of those people are happy with their association.
Statistics compiled by the Community Associations Institute show that the number of associations continues to grow. In 1970, just ten thousand communities, with a combined 2.1 million residents, were governed by associations. Today there are over 309,000 communities governed by associations. More than 62 million Americans live in associations. 1.75 million volunteers serve on community association boards, and a full 26 percent of the eligible U.S. population volunteers for an association at some point during a year, according to one estimate. That kind of service simply would not happen if associations were as widely disliked as has been portrayed.

Common Interest Communities
Get your fence off my property!
Clients sometimes come to us with disputes regarding real estate litigation matters involving boundary line and easement encroachments. We provide legal advice and counsel, trying to balance your real estate rights with neighborly harmony, always looking to avoid a lawsuit when possible.
Easements provide a broad range of legal rights and obligations. In a fairly recent Virginia Supreme Court case, Snead v. C&S Properties Holding Company, a landowner blocked access to a validly recorded easement. The easement holder filed a lawsuit, asking the court to order the obstruction removed. The Virginia Supreme Court ordered the fence removed, concluding that “a significant portion of the easement would be rendered unusable for ingress and egress if injunctive relief were denied.”
Benefits of HOAs Part 2: How is Covenant Enforcement Good for Owners?
The enforcement of covenants, conditions, and restrictions (“CC&R’s”) is among the most criticized of the duties performed by the Board of Directors of community associations, but is also the most important responsibility. CC&R’s govern many activities in a community including house designs, parking regulations, maintenance and repair of the common areas, and collection of assessments. Sensational “Gotcha” type news stories highlight enforcement practices of some associations, which contribute to a false perception that associations in general lack common sense. However, studies repeatedly show that the overwhelming majority of people living in neighborhoods governed by HOAs believe that the rules in their communities benefit them.
Continue reading “Benefits of HOAs Part 2: How is Covenant Enforcement Good for Owners?”
What Does It Mean to be on the Board of Directors of your HOA? Potential Liability (Part 2 of a Series)
We frequently are asked whether volunteer board members can be civilly liable for actions taken while a board member. This issue is of serious concern because lawsuits tend to be over inclusive, naming every possible defendant in the initial complaint. Why sign up as a volunteer board member if it could bankrupt you?
Part 2 on Virginia’s Unauthorized Practice of Law Rules and HOAs – What is considered the unauthorized practice of law?
We blogged previously about finding guidance in Virginia’s rules on the unauthorized practice of law as they pertain to community associations. In this post, we will review Virginia opinions that address whether certain work performed by managers is the unauthorized practice of law (“UPL”).
What can an HOA do to collect past dues when a bankrupt homeowner surrenders property but the lender does not foreclose?
An all-too-common scenario occurs when a homeowners association attempts to collect past dues and the homeowner files bankruptcy. The law is clear that the bankrupt homeowner is still liable for those post-petition dues. The United States Bankruptcy Code at Section 523(a)(16) makes the homeowner liable for “a fee or assessment that becomes due and payable after the order for relief to a [homeowners association] for as long as the debtor . . . has a legal, equitable, or possessory ownership interest in such unit.”
In other instances the homeowner decides to walk away from the property and surrenders the property to the lender. Instead of foreclosing, however, the lender simply does nothing. Therefore, the title of the property is still in the name of the bankrupt homeowner who walked away from the property, and they are not paying the assessments. The lender has not foreclosed so they are not paying the assessments. How can the homeowners association collect these past due post-petition assessments?
7 reasons to consider amending your HOA’s governing documents
In other posts we have discussed a homeowner association’s governing documents. Many communities were established 20-40 years ago with governing documents that worked well for the developer, and for the most part the community association. However, many of these governing documents are outdated. and federal laws pertaining to community associations have changed substantially. If your board of directors has not engaged in an audit of your communities governing documents in the past 5-7 years, it should.
What is an “audit” of our governing documents?
An “audit” of your documents is an in-depth review by your HOA’s board of directors in conjunction with your association attorney. The Board reviews each document noting any sections that lack clarity, are no longer enforced, appear to not apply to your community, protect a long-gone developer, or do not provide the association with adequate remedies. The Board prepares a list of concerns or issues facing the community, such as homes that are not being maintained, large amounts of delinquent assessments, or enforcement capabilities of the association. The Board provides this information to the association attorney.
Continue reading “7 reasons to consider amending your HOA’s governing documents”