2-Minute Drill Weekly Tweets for 2011-05-06
- HOA owns century-old dam in Waynesboro – Its plan to demolish dam advances (via @newsvirginian) #
- For HOAs, the laws regarding satellite dishes remains the same. http://ow.ly/1sQ1tb #
- Quitting your job? Here’s a list of don’ts to avoid getting sued. http://ow.ly/1sPXWU #
- Virginia Company Bank breaks ground in Williamsburg’s High Street. Good addition to that mixed use development. http://ow.ly/1sPTSf #
- Housing glut? What housing glut? Charlotte Park in New Town in Williamsburg offers detached homes-http://bit.ly/fvUOdt RT @mrwilliamsburg #
- Tarley Robinson May 2011 Newsletter: Check out our May newsletter highlighting our blog article entitled “HOAS, … #
- Tattoo Law: Can ‘Hangover 2′ Use Tyson Tattoo on Ed Helms’ Character? http://ow.ly/1sP8cz #
- Bankruptcy case similar to Williamsburg’s Ford’s Colony Country Club-Dominion Club case heads to mediation via @rtdnews #
- Historic Bowling Green Farm sells at auction http://ow.ly/1sP88v #
- Local music showcase coming to Hampton May 28. Features Nerve Scheme, Uglyography, Asthmatics, more. http://ow.ly/4Map1 RT @VASamMcDonald #
- Local writer update. What in the world is L.M. Stull up to? http://su.pr/2l3ZdJ RT @LMStull #
- Want some depressing news? Read “The Depressed Lawyer” | Psychology Today http://t.co/GkoHvGr #
- What does it mean to be on the Board of Directors for your HOA? Potential liability http://ow.ly/4MNQy #
- Contractors in Virginia Need To Be Ready for July 1, 2011 http://su.pr/1fQlp6 RT @constructionlaw #
- A Board Member?s Fiduciary Duty RT @hoamgtcom #
- Williamsburg/JCC Asst. Comm. Atty Holly Smith announces run for Gloucester Comm. Atty. position. http://t.co/xLXf3S3 #
- Rolls Royce opens plant in Prince George. Alas, making aircraft parts, not cars. http://ow.ly/4LTd1 #looking for-discount #
- Virginia Leadership Retreat at The Homestead – 2011: Mark your calendars for July 29, 2011 – July 31, 2011 for T.. #
- Day 1 summary of former delegate Hamilton’s “job for state money” trial (via @rtdnews) #
- 2 W&M Law grads ascend to the bench in Suffolk http://ow.ly/4LT14 #
- Enforcing Covenants, Rules and Regulations in Condos and HOAs–The Concepts of Waiver and Selective Enforcement http://ow.ly/1sMqwy #
- How to get organization ready for change | Inside Business http://t.co/U55IVc0 #
- Homeowner associations often on outside looking in on foreclosure cases RT @canetwork #
- Time for a change in York County. Hopefully voters get it right. Prosecutor fired by his opponent – Virginia Gazette http://ow.ly/4KBUo #
- CB Richard Ellis leases record amount of office space in Hampton Roads during first quarter http://ow.ly/1sMqrQ #
- York County still without judge. First they couldn’t agree on Circuit Judge; now they can’t agree on J&DR Judge. http://ow.ly/4L0AM #
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