2-Minute Drill Weekly Tweets for 2012-04-20
- Cal. HOA paying it forward-establishes fund to help neighbors keep exteriors in compliance. http://t.co/FftzXL0w RT @vahoalaw #
- Blog Post: When does a seller of Real Estate commit "Fraud" by failing to disclose negative conditions? http://t.co/xFzn0pRg #
- Blog Post: Traits of Highly Effective HOA Directors – Actually of any type of Board http://t.co/B6mNKA9x Thanks for the RT @GoldCstPropPros #
- Blog Post: Your HOA obtained a Reserve Study: How do you fund a Reserve Account? http://t.co/hzGjZyi3 Thanks for the RT @Jwahwah #
- Thanks Donna! #FF @CondoandHOALaw: @stratalawyer @chrisjaglowitz @StephenMarcus1 @ColoradoHOAGal @condolawyers @CHDW_HOALaw @VaHOALaw #
- Tim Tebow is coming to the W&M #football camp. #TebowMania to ensue http://t.co/t3bZs5wH #
- "Virgil Caine is the name and I served on the Danville train." Levon Helm passes away. http://t.co/ZrKr32ib #
- At 2:30 am 9 dorms evacuated at Pitt for more bomb threats. Students sleeping at basketball court http://t.co/eevLthJK #PittBombThreats #
- Starbucks to phase out bug extract as food dye. When did they phase it "in"? http://t.co/D43erENY #WhatAreWeEating #
- FBI seizes Internet server in New York as part of #PittBombThreat probe. 9 dorms evacuated overnight. http://t.co/f0Lr5s3h #NotTheGuy #
- Blog Post: Your HOA obtained a Reserve Study: Determine whether, and how, you fund a reserve account? http://t.co/a9eEyjL5 #HOALaw #
- Blog Post: New project promises "Ski Lake" as Common Element with "a regulation 6 ball slalom course" http://t.co/smbUzhoM MT @utahcondolaw #
- Blog Post: Traits of Highly Effective #HOA Directors – Actually of any type of Board of Directors http://t.co/4nI3Qfcz MT @CAnetwork #
- Blog Post: What is the definition of "Sold?" Whether a seller owes a commission in the sale of Real Estate http://t.co/2yekUBGV #VirginiaLaw #
- Blog Post: Virginia Court requires #Insurance Carrier to Defend Chinese Drywall Case http://t.co/KR3Yr18o MT @ConstructionLaw #
- Blog Post: When does a seller of Real Estate commit "Fraud" by failing to disclose negative conditions? http://t.co/xFzn0pRg #
- Homebuilder optimism dips – foreclosures, difficulties qualifying for loans cited. http://t.co/dPXCVgXM RT @AndrewMcRoberts via @katjahill #
- Seriously when will this #Crackpot get caught RT @PittTweet Pitt ENS Alert: Bomb threat has been received. Please evacuate. #PittBombThreats #
- Cool gift from my hardworking @WMLawSchool students – Optimistic about our future #Virginia lawyers! http://t.co/2UhyzMC8 #
- Eminent Domain protest in #Norfolk – Huge sign says "50 yrs on this street-78 yrs in Norfolk-100 workers threatened" http://t.co/ekbOvsLN #
- When unlicensed attorneys serve as HOA board members http://t.co/6sY2W6K7 Thanks for the RT @CarlosFMartin @HOACondoPros @CondoAndHOALaw #
- Is an HOA's refusal to allow potentially therapeutic poodles a human rights violation? http://t.co/LRizi2Ky #condoHOA MT @CondoandHOALaw #
- HOA Board Stereotypes: Who is On Your Board? Old Man Potter? http://t.co/Iq4M9JKH RT @CAnetwork #ItsaWonderfulLife #
- Whoops. Pitt has received another bomb threat. This makes 12 on the day, 112 total. RT @ThePittNews #PittBombThreats #
- Pitt has evacuated 11 buildings so far today. Total is up to 110. Outrageous. #PittBombThreats RT @ThePittNews http://t.co/LxmxToKk #
- Amazing: A glowing red loop of plasma bursting from the surface of the #Sun has been captured on film and video http://t.co/Fbhc6q4p #in #
- Blog Post: Chinese Drywall damages not covered by homeowners insurance http://t.co/nr65G53h #in #
- Short Sales Surpass #Foreclosures as Banks Agree to Deals http://t.co/57Mt5rMc RT @VaHOAlaw #
- Blog Post: Does Virginia law require an HOA to transition automatically to homeowner control of the Board? http://t.co/n1V6W15j #in #
- Blog Post: Okay a tree fell on my property. Who pays for the damage? http://t.co/U5I4KOAS #in #
- Law Schools manipulating hiring data by hiring their own graduates. But not @WMLawSchool http://t.co/RWhmDuRK #
- #College and #Basketball don't belong in the same sentence – #Kentucky #039;s starting 5 – 3 frosh 2 sophs – opts for draft http://t.co/FrIlg5Yv #
- Thanks for the mention @VaughanMcDonald: Foreclosure, Shortsale, Distressed! is out! http://t.co/F2X6l7OQ ? #
- Blog Post: Can I cut down my neighbor’s tree when its branches overhang my property? http://t.co/BEn0F7ej #
- Smoking bans gain traction among NYC condominium, co-op boards http://t.co/NGnsf7yK #condoHOA RT @canetwork #
- Blog Post: Part 2 of The Rule of Caveat Emptor in the Sale of Real Estate vs. a Seller’s Duty to Disclose http://t.co/9TdesVlF #in #
- Blog Post: Unauthorized Practice of Law: When unlicensed attorneys serve as HOA board members http://t.co/po0DI7kz #
- #PittBombThreats slowing – Monday's threats were the first since Saturday, but the semester total is 95. MT @ThePittNews #
- Blog Post: Using a company computer to email your attorney may be a bad idea http://t.co/ppcLecaH #
- Blog Post: Caveat Emptor vs. a Seller’s Duty to Disclose http://t.co/7d5MsefV Thanks for the RT @MelissaSoFloLaw I don't see VA law changing #
- Man sues stores for refusing to permit him to enter with his service assistance animal: a Horse. http://t.co/b9THxsVS RT @canetwork #
- Blog Post: 3 tips for safe emailing with your attorney, like "Don't hit 'reply all'" http://t.co/u28GtGRZ Thanks for the RT @FLdirtlawyer #
- Best Buy Confirms Closure Plans for 42 U.S. Big Box Stores. Surprisingly, the #WBGVA store is NOT on the List. http://t.co/WipbOVm4 #
- Blog Post: #HOA and #Condo newsletters: The why, what & how to their success http://t.co/a5xXELXT MT @myhoacommunity #
- List of the 23 judgeships approved for funding by General Assembly. http://t.co/r3IHGVvS #Virginia #
- 1400 bar complaints in Florida relating to the #foreclosure and #housing crisis http://t.co/lksDsq1K MT @FLdirtlawyer #
- Blog Post: How does an HOA hire a Reserve Study specialist? http://t.co/aUxrXOtY Thanks for the RT @MyHOACommunity #in #
- Kudos to #UVALaw #039;s Innocence Project. having a busy year attacking wrongful convictions. http://t.co/IEupTsP7 #
- Blog Post: Boards of Directors and the Attorney-Client Privilege: What is it and how do you protect it? http://t.co/VWAXFZzj #in #
- Blog Post Part 2 of The Rule of Caveat Emptor in the Sale of Real Estate vs. a Seller’s Duty to Disclose: We… http://t.co/lbbI9rNl #in #
- Today is Emancipation Day – That's why Tax Day has been moved to April 17. http://t.co/ZgiNNhOr #
- Olympics asked for the Who's Keith Moon, who died in 1978, to perform at this year's closing ceremony. http://t.co/bPPJcnn5 RT @RollingStone #
- The Tarley Robinson HOA Weekly is out! http://t.co/aBfVTsut ? Top stories today via @condocomrade @condoandhoalaw @flcondohoalaw #
- Tarley Robinson Virginia Law is out! http://t.co/qplF7MWv ? Top stories today via @nccco @jayokeeffe @fairfaxbar @valw @leeberlik #
- Tarley Robinson Williamsburg News is out! http://t.co/hYArAkOT ? Top stories today via @wmnews @markadellaposta @abinterfaces @brgstrategy #
- Blog Post: The potential pitfalls of hiring an unpaid intern for your business. http://t.co/Y2Rb0wSu #UnpaidIntern #
- Blog Post 2-Minute Drill Weekly Tweets for 2012-04-13: Blog Post: Yes, an LLC Can Be Taxed as an S-corp, But… http://t.co/dk0ylxLY #in #
- Blog Post: How does an HOA hire a Reserve Study specialist? (Part 3 of a 3 part series on Reserves) http://t.co/hMgSIqyk #
- Blog Post: 7 reasons to consider amending your HOA's governing docs http://t.co/dal4ROFw Thanks for the RT @CarlosFMartin @MyHOACommunity #
- Blog Post: Citizen’s Arrest – What does Gomer Pyle have in common with a fire inspector from Suffolk, Virginia? http://t.co/naQAtCDd #
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