2-Minute Drill Weekly Tweets for 2012-03-02
- HUD Increases effective April will increase cost of borrowing. How to avoid? Buy/Sell Now! http://t.co/0q8pT2pG RT @PruTowneRealty #
- Blog Post: HOAs, when is it okay to dip into your Reserves? http://t.co/JTxCEeD1 RT @ColoradoHOAGal #
- Blog Post: Attorney-Client Privilege: What is it and how do you protect it? http://t.co/VWAXFZzj #in #
- Kangaroo as service animal? Texas #HOA says kangaroo can stay with Spring family http://t.co/TZN57lNf RT @canetwork #
- Thanks for the RT @stephenpfeiffer Condo association fined for refusing request for accommodation for service animal http://t.co/QrDlS7yp #
- Companies leery of adding a full-time lawyer turn to part-time “general counsel” services http://t.co/01iwwnuf RT @gatewood5000 MT @VALW #
- Blog Post: General Partnerships, The Way To Go . . . Financially Under http://t.co/gPR9eF1B #in #
- Blog Post: How important are state statutes and case decisions in governing your #HOA http://t.co/vChJmsLe #in #
- Blog Post: When is an HOA D&O claim a D&O claim http://t.co/7jMzDKom RT @CardinalOnline #HOALaw #
- Thanks for the RT @ALARichmond #
- Blog Post: American Bar Association says lawyers must caution clients of risks of using work email http://t.co/JoQeAuJw #in #
- Indictments returned in Virginia #HOA embezzlement http://t.co/2fwAtDeg #condoHOA RT @NV_HOA_CAM #
- Blog post: It’s time for your Small Business to audit its Corporate Documents – Where is your Buy-Sell agreement?http://t.co/tbjnjZB9 #in #
- USPS shutting down 223 processing centers. Yesterday I received client check torn in half, envelope open. http://t.co/nC0nCqO3 RT @goborrell #
- Blog Post: Can I cut down my neighbor’s tree when its branches overhang my property? You may be able to do more! http://t.co/PJAXKeVH #
- More on the Cloud: What is "Reasonable" for a Law Firm to Protect Client Data? http://t.co/OtIIfdVO RT @sharonnelsonesq #
- Blog post: NC Bar releases Cloud Computing Opinion http://t.co/2NYvrQ85 RT @StephKimbro #
- Blog post: Regulating “Service or Assistance Animals” – HOAs, ADA, and FHA http://t.co/efdBGcZ3 #in #
- Condo association paying $20K after refusing request for reasonable accommodation for service animal http://t.co/QrDlS7yp RT @LegalNewsline #
- Va. legislators don't want judges to give first-time offenders a break (unless it's one of their relatives/friends) http://t.co/FfoHdsTm #
- All you need to know is that Georgia's judges are elected: Georgia judge investigated for brandishing gun in court http://t.co/rlFZGltu #
- Coast to coast, if you have a Reserve Study from last year, update it easily (and free!) with http://t.co/ELcyRlag RT @QuickReserves #
- Foreclosure Sale of #JCC Board Chair's Home Likely Halted. Article has a shoutout to @VaHOALaw http://t.co/hH8cK85a #Bankruptcy #WBGVA #
- Blog Post: Can a lawyer or accountant be held liable for the false statements in a prospectus made by another? http://t.co/YWeuEe2X #in #
- Story told at the General Assembly in support of the Castle Doctrine probably didn't happen. http://t.co/lZiuoHhm #WhoDidntKnowThat #
- Blog Post: You are fired! When is it unlawful for an employer to terminate an employee in #Virginia http://t.co/ZyOcZ9vo #in #
- Forget about the chickens, this family fights #HOA to keep baby Kangaroo. http://t.co/sxvNgo6L #condohoalaw RT @AccellPM #
- Thanks for the mentions @KramerLawFirm and @McDonoughLawVA #
- Blog Post: What are the potential conflict-of-interest issues when attorneys serve as #HOA board members? http://t.co/po0DI7kz #in #CondoLaw #
- Virginia Beach resident wants OK to raise chickens, needs City Code amendment. Do your HOA documents permit chickens? http://t.co/P2unKjzK #
- Blog post: What is meant by the term "Condominium Instruments?" http://t.co/NF2w1kDN #in #CondoLaw #
- Blog Post: Noncompete Covenants and Covenants Restricting Land Tested By Different Standards http://t.co/bu4qa0P4 RT @LeeBerlik #
- Blog post: Real Estate Listing Agreements are Contracts, do you know your rights and obligations? http://t.co/7ow2yILh #in #
- Popular blogging platform #Tumblr finds a second home in Richmond, Virginia | Richmond Times-Dispatch http://t.co/MvjCRryy #
- The Tarley Robinson HOA Weekly is out! http://t.co/aBfVTsut ? Top stories today via @hoaleader @hoaservicesatl @quickreserves @accellpm #
- I think article is full of hyperbole but interesting. Apple profiles law firm use of #iPad RT @rocketmatter via @Riskin http://t.co/1qUFuUKr #
- Tarley Robinson Virginia Law is out! http://t.co/qplF7MWv ? Top stories today via @stephenpfeiffer @paulsamakow @andrewmcroberts #
- Interesting story on a town's use of solar panels. Place where I spent my first 8 years: "a rural Appalachian town." http://t.co/8gSUzu4Z #
- Tarley Robinson Williamsburg News is out! http://t.co/hYArAkOT ? Top stories today via @prutownerealty @dailysocials @tgifshortpump #
- HOA/condo unity relies upon comunication to succeed http://t.co/xJRG9x2a RT @myhoacommunity #
- Blog Post: 7 reasons to consider amending your HOA’s governing documents http://t.co/HKCBGKep Thanks for the RT @HindmanSanchez #
- HOA Boards – encourage your community to participate in your decision making process. http://t.co/9wGT7RPj Thanks for the RT @FourPointsMgmt #
- Blog Post: Limited Liability Companies: What Happens to an LLC When a Member Dies? http://t.co/Us3w9BYG Thanks for the RT @hawthornelaw #
- Blog Post 2-Minute Drill Weekly Tweets for 2012-02-24: Blog Post: Limited Liability Companies: What happens … http://t.co/DZulCai9 #in #
- Blog Post: When is a “contract” not a contract? http://t.co/koae4Cqo #in #
- Thanks for the #FF mentions and back at you! @ColoradoHOAGal @PCAM_Las_Vegas @myhoacommunity @FourPointsMGMT @MeebPC @CondoandHOALaw #
- Blog post: Can HOA survive in tough times w/o FHA certification? With rental restrictions? http://t.co/oANPmQJA RT @califcondoguru #
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